To all of our loyal PK-ers:

The Purse King Team will be running the top ten (10) Fashion Faux Pas that have made our list and expert lists of style mishaps, no-nos and slip-ups. We hope you enjoy!

Day 1: Clothes that are too small 😦

We all have been a victim of this fashion crime. Whether it is the shirt from 5th grade that you are still in love with and just can’t seem to get the fact that you have had 3-growth spurts since then. Or the skin-tight shirt that looked so great on the mannequin but you just can’t seem to get it to stay below your belly button. Our favorite were those popular 90s shirts that were expandable known as “crinkle” shirts. Well, whatever your “sin” in this category may be, we here at Purse King always recommend attire that is not in danger of ripping, tearing, or just plain old falling apart.

Shop on PK-ers and be sure to grab a great handbag, wallet, or clutch to accessorize your wild and worthy outfits.
