Day 2: Mullets 😛

There is a fine line between faux-hawk fun and mullet madness, each has had their day as a fabulous fad but there comes a time to retire the look. In the case of the mullet, it is really only a one day experience till you realize it is no longer time to rock the “-do”.


So why then does the mullet continue to be a persistent style? Is it a sense of pride? A family tradition? A rebellious statement? A long laugh? Whatever the reason for the style mis-adventure, we say if you are going to wear your hair “business in the front, party in the back,” then be prepared to own your style. Get dressed each day like you are going to an outrageous swamp party, like you were going to go to the wedding of your third cousin and your sister, or like you are playing a Danny McBride character and you just got out of your very own hot tub time machine.

The Purse King Team wants to leave all our favorite PK-ers with one final notion the subjects of Mullets: Do or don’t always accessorize!